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Cowboy kids take a leisurely ride.
Robby Olds, our good friend and neighbor from our old house came for an overnight. He really wanted to ride and we were happy to accommodate him. Like everything else he tries...Rob is a natural!

Linden and Robbie Olds on Cody 08272000
Linden and Robby decided to ride double on Cody. Linden has the reins and Rob is getting lessons. Linden describes how to turn, stop and stay on!

Changing places....Lindy's way!
Linden and Robbie Olds on Cody 08272000
First, of course, you have to move from front position by pivoting your body getting ready for step two...

Linden and Robbie Olds on Cody 08272000
Just one more step...'cuse me..Pardon me.

Linden and Robbie Olds on Cody 08272000
Linden makes it look so easy. Rob was a little unsure as the seating arrangement changed, as was I. I must have said, "Careful" at least 5 or 6 times. "Don't worry Mom. I do this all the time" was her reply.

Linden and Robbie Olds on Cody 08272000
Hmmm...this looks like a good place to sit.(Cody didn't even mind having Linden's knees in her back.)What a horse!

And once again...they're off!

Linden and Robbie Olds on Cody 08272000
Linden and Robbie Olds on Cody 08272000

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